Vascular Arteritis

Vascular Arteritis

Faculty and Disclosure

Credit Information

Credit Type

* AMA PRA Category 1

Number of Credits


Course Overview

Vascular arteritis refers to several inflammatory diseases of the blood vessels, causing symptoms such as claudication, rest pain, and cerebral ischemia. This article covers the most common types of arteritis including Takayasu’s arteritis, Buerger’s disease, and Giant Cell Arteritis (temporal arteritis). Learn about their classification, diagnostic techniques, and clinical features. The article also explains the role of diagnostic imaging, including ultrasound and angiography, in detecting vascular arteritis. Treatment options, including medications and surgical interventions, are discussed to help manage these complex vascular conditions.

Course Objectives

After completing this activity, the participant will:

  • List the common types of vascular arteritis

  • Describe the ultrasound appearance of vascular arteritis

  • List the most frequent vessels impacted by the type of vascular arteritis

Target Audience

  • Physicians, sonographers, and others who perform and/or interpret ultrasound.

* AMA PRA Category 1 ™ credits are used by physicians and other groups like PAs and certain nurses. Category 1 credits are accepted by the ARDMS, CCI, ACCME, and Sonography Canada.

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