Case Studies:  Fetal Hydrops

Case Studies: Fetal Hydrops

Faculty and Disclosure

Credit Information

Credit Type

* AMA PRA Category 1

Number of Credits


Course Overview

Explore case studies on fetal hydrops, focusing on its causes, echocardiographic findings, and clinical management. This course provides valuable insights for healthcare professionals to enhance their understanding of this complex condition and improve prenatal diagnostic and care strategies.

Course Objectives

After completing this activity, the participant will:

  • Understand the ultrasound definitions of non-immune hydrops and its possible etiologies.

  • Develop a systematic approach to aid in determining the diagnosis when non-immune hydrops is suspected.

Target Audience

  • Physicians, sonographers, and others who perform and/or interpret ultrasound.

* AMA PRA Category 1 ™ credits are used by physicians and other groups like PAs and certain nurses. Category 1 credits are accepted by the ARDMS, CCI, ACCME, and Sonography Canada.

Course Content

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