Case Studies: Fetal Skeletal Dysplasias

Case Studies: Fetal Skeletal Dysplasias

Faculty and Disclosure

Credit Information

Credit Type

* AMA PRA Category 1

Number of Credits


Course Overview

Delve into case studies on fetal skeletal dysplasias, exploring advanced diagnostic approaches, imaging techniques, and management strategies for these complex conditions. Gain valuable insights into identifying and understanding skeletal abnormalities to improve prenatal care and outcomes.

Course Objectives

After completing this activity, the participant will:

  • Develop a systematic approach to diagnose a skeletal dysplasia.

  • Identify the sonographic signs associated with a skeletal dysplasia.

  • Differentiate between a non-lethal and lethal skeletal dysplasia.

Target Audience

  • Physicians, sonographers, and others who perform and/or interpret ultrasound.

* AMA PRA Category 1 ™ credits are used by physicians and other groups like PAs and certain nurses. Category 1 credits are accepted by the ARDMS, CCI, ACCME, and Sonography Canada.

Course Content

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