Case Studies in Rheumatic Heart Disease, Part 1
Credit Information
Credit Type
* AMA PRA Category 1™
Number of Credits
Course Overview
Dive into compelling case studies exploring rheumatic heart disease, its presentation, diagnosis, and management. This course offers insights into the echocardiographic evaluation and clinical considerations for this condition, helping healthcare professionals refine their diagnostic and treatment strategies.
Course Objectives
After completing this activity, the participant will:
Learn signs of rheumatic valvular heart disease.
Know the most common of left heart valves rheumatic lesions.
Learn the most common complications of rheumatic heart disease.
Perform evaluation of rheumatic valvular lesions with echocardiography.
Target Audience
Physicians, sonographers, and others who perform and/or interpret ultrasound.
* AMA PRA Category 1 ™ credits are used by physicians and other groups like PAs and certain nurses. Category 1 credits are accepted by the ARDMS, CCI, ACCME, and Sonography Canada.