Faculty and Disclosure

Credit Information

Credit Type

* AMA PRA Category 1

Number of Credits


Course Overview

Gain in-depth knowledge about omphalocele, including its sonographic assessment, associated anomalies, and prognosis. Learn the etiology, detection methods, and implications for fetal development. This course covers the clinical management of omphalocele and its connection to genetic syndromes and congenital defects.

Course Objectives

After completing this activity, the participant will:

  • Discuss the differing embryologic mechanisms that result in an omphalocele.

  • Understand the significance of a bowel vs. a liver-containing omphalocele.

  • Identify the sonographic signs associated with an omphalocele.

  • Review the effect of an omphalocele on fetal lung physiology.

Target Audience

  • Physicians, sonographers, and others who perform and/or interpret ultrasound.

* AMA PRA Category 1 ™ credits are used by physicians and other groups like PAs and certain nurses. Category 1 credits are accepted by the ARDMS, CCI, ACCME, and Sonography Canada.

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